Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions were last updated on 09/21/2023

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions apply to this website and to transactions relating to our products and services. You may be subject to additional agreements related to your relationship with us or any products or services you receive from us. If any provisions of the Supplemental Agreements conflict with any provision of these Terms, the provisions of those Supplemental Agreements shall govern and prevail.

2. Mandatory

By registering, accessing or otherwise using this website, you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. Your mere use of this website constitutes your understanding and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. In certain specific cases, we may ask you to express your consent.

3. Electronic communication

By using this website or communicating with us electronically, you agree and acknowledge that we may communicate with you electronically on our website or by sending you electronic mail, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we provide to you electronically in a manner that complies with all legal requirements, including but not limited to the requirement that such notices be in writing.

4. Intellectual Property

We or our licensors own and control all copyright and other intellectual property rights in and to the Website and the data, information and other resources displayed or available on it.

4.1. All rights reserved

Unless the specific content states otherwise, you are not granted any license or other right under any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. This means that you will not, without our prior written permission, use, copy, reproduce, perform, display, display, distribute, install in any electronic medium, modify, transfer, decompile, transmit, transfer, transmit, sell, resell or commercialize any content on this website. resources in any form, except in cases and only to the extent otherwise provided by binding legal acts (e.g. the right to cite).

5. Third Party Property

Our website may contain hyperlinks or other links to websites of other countries. We do not control or review the content of third-party websites linked from this website. Products or services offered by other websites are subject to the terms and conditions of that third party. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed on those sites or the material on them.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these websites. Your use of these websites and any related third-party services is at your own risk. We accept no liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of your disclosure of personal information to third parties.

6. Responsible use

By visiting our website, you agree to use it only for the purposes intended and as permitted by these Terms, any additional agreements with us, applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted internet practices and industry guidelines. You may not use our Site or Services by using, posting or distributing any material that consists of (or is linked to) malicious computer software; use data collected from our website for any direct marketing activities or conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities on or in connection with our website.

Engaging in any activity that causes or may cause damage to the Site or interferes with the operation, availability or accessibility of the Site is strictly prohibited.

7. Registration

You can register an account on our website. You may be asked to choose a password during this process. You are responsible for keeping your passwords and account information confidential, and you agree not to share your passwords, account information, or secure access to our website or services with any other person. You may not allow any other person to use your account to access the Site, and you are responsible for all activities that occur under your passwords or accounts. You must notify us immediately of any disclosure of your password.

After account termination, you will not attempt to register a new account without our permission.

8. Return and Refund Policy

8.1. Right to withdraw from the contract

Our activities in Europe are as individuals. And the laws apply as if you were buying from an individual.

You have the right to a refund if you have received a product that is not the same as the one you ordered or if it is defective.

To exercise your right to withdraw from this contract, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, by letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). Our contact details are below. You may use the attached sample opt-out form, but it is not mandatory.

If you exercise this option, we will promptly transmit to you in a durable medium (for example, e-mail) an acknowledgment of receipt of such opt-out.

We have the right to offer you a partial refund, send you the defective part or any other mutually acceptable way to resolve the situation.

Please note that deliveries from China are erratic and we are unable to give an exact delivery time due to various force majeure events (military actions at sea by the Hussis and other factors affecting shipping). Orders shipped from the Chinese warehouse are irrevocable. 

Refunds take up to 2 weeks.

8.2. Consequences of opting out

You must return the goods or hand them over to us or our authorized person for acceptance without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days after you notify us of your withdrawal from this contract. This deadline is considered missed if you send the goods back before the 14-day deadline.

We may withhold the refund until we receive the goods back or until you provide evidence that you have sent the goods back, whichever is earlier.

All costs associated with the return are borne by the buyer.

You are solely responsible for any diminution in value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and performance of the goods.

Please note that there are certain legal exceptions to the right of withdrawal, so some goods cannot be returned or exchanged. We will let you know if this is applicable in your particular case.

9. Submission of ideas

Do not submit any ideas, inventions, copyrights or other information that may be considered your intellectual property and that you wish to submit to us unless we first sign an intellectual property agreement or non-disclosure agreement. If you disclose it to us without such written agreement, you grant us a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, store, adapt, publish, translate and distribute your content in any existing or future media.

10. Termination of Use

We may at any time, in our sole discretion, temporarily or permanently modify or terminate your access to the Site or any of the services contained therein. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any such modification, suspension or termination of your access to the Website or any content you may have shared on the Website. You will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment, even if certain features, settings and/or any content you contributed to or relied on is permanently lost. You may not bypass or bypass or attempt to bypass or bypass any access restriction measures on our website.

11. Warranties and Liability

Warranty is expressly limited to the replacement of a defective lithium ion battery (the “Battery”), frame, forks, stem, handlebar, headset, seat post, saddle, brakes, lights, bottom bracket, crank set, pedals, rims, wheel hub, freewheel, cassette, derailleur, shifter, motor, throttle, controller, wiring harness, LCD display, kickstand, reflectors and hardware (each a “Covered Component”).

This Limited Warranty Does Not Cover

  • Normal wear and tear of any Covered Component.
  • Consumables or normal wear and tear parts (including without limitation tires, tubes, brake pads, cables and housing, grips, chain and spokes).
  • Any damage or defects to Covered Components resulting from failure to follow instructions in the ebike owner’s manual, acts of God, accident, misuse, neglect, abuse, commercial use, alterations, modification, improper assembly, installation of parts or accessories not originally intended or compatible with the ebike as sold, operator error, water damage, extreme riding, stunt riding, or improper follow-up maintenance.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, we will not be liable and/or responsible for any damage, failure or loss caused by any unauthorized service or use of unauthorized parts.
  • The Battery is not warranted from damage resulting from power surges, use of an improper charger, improper maintenance or other such misuse, normal wear or water damage.
  • Any products sold by Ridstar EU that is not an ebike.



12. Privacy

In order to use our website and/or services, you may be required to provide certain information about yourself during the registration process. You agree that any information you provide will be accurate, correct and up-to-date at all times.

We take your personal data seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not use your email. email address to send unsolicited emails. All emails we send to you the letters will only relate to the provision of the agreed products or services.

13. Export Restrictions/Legal Compliance

Access to the Website from territories or countries where the content or purchase of products or Services sold on the Website is illegal. You may not use this website in violation of Lithuanian export laws and regulations.

14. Assignment

You may not assign, transfer or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, to any third party without our prior written consent. Any purported assignment in violation of this section will be null and void.

15. Violations of these Terms and Conditions

Without prejudice to our other rights under these Terms, if you breach these Terms in any way, we may take such action as we deem appropriate to remedy the breach, including temporarily or permanently suspending your access to the Site, contacting your Internet Service Provider and requesting that they block your access to the website, and/or take legal action against you.

16. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses related to your violation of these Terms and Conditions and applicable laws, including intellectual property rights and privacy rights. You will promptly indemnify us against all damages, losses, costs and expenses related to or arising out of such claims.

17. Waiver of Obligation

Failure to enforce or terminate any provision of these Terms and Conditions and any Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision and shall not affect the validity of these Terms and Conditions, any Agreement or any part thereof, or the right to subsequently enforce each provision.

18. Language

These Terms and Conditions will be explained and interpreted only in the English language. All messages and correspondence will be written in this language only.

19. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and RIDSTAR.EU regarding your use of this website.

20. Update of these Terms

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The date shown at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions is the most recent revision date. We will give you written notice of any changes or updates, and the amended Terms will be effective on the date we give you such notice. Your continued use of this website after any changes or updates are posted will be deemed your acceptance of and agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. To request a previous version of these Terms, please contact us.

21. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Lithuania. Any disputes related to these Terms and Conditions are subject to the jurisdiction of Lithuanian courts. If a court or other authority determines that any part or provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid and/or unenforceable under applicable law, such part or provision will be modified, deleted and/or enforced to the maximum extent permitted to enforce these Terms and the purpose of the terms. Other settings will not be affected.

22. Contact Information

This website is managed by ŽILVINAS LESKAUSKAS (ridstar.eu)

Regarding these Terms and Conditions, you can contact us by writing or emailing us. a letter to the following address:

hello@ridstar.eu or by phone +37063208163
